Many parents are very busy with jobs
and other responsibilities. Click here to
read some suggestions on
how you
can be involved in your child's

Click here for some parental guidelines
and suggestions on how you can help
your child with homework

Do you ever wonder what your child is
doing at school but it seems that all that
he or she will tell you is "Fine" or "OK?"
Click here to read some fun and creative
suggestions of ways
to get your child to talk to
you about what is
happening in the classroom

Have you noticed that every child seems
to learn in a different way. Click here to
read an article by Harcourt about the
learning styles and how
to work with children with these varying

Click here to read more about learning
styles and fill
our a questionaire to
determine your own child's learning

Children change so much from year to
year as they grow. Click here to read
about the developmental
milestones of a typical 5 year old,
as well as what you can expect your 5 year
old to accomplish academically

Haga un cl�q aqu� para leer sobre
about the el crecemiento y desarollo de un ni�o de 5 a�os,
y las cosas que ellos pueden hacer acad�micamente

First grade is a year of enormous
growth for a child. This is the year they
will learn to read and cypher. Click here
to read about many of the things that you
will probably see them accomplishing
academically during this pivotal year in
addition to the developmental
milestones of a typical 6 year

El primer grado es un a�o que tiene mucho crecemiento para un ni�o. En este a�o alumnus apreden la lectura y las matem�ticas. Haga un cl�q aqu� para leer sobre muchas de las cosas que estos ni�os afectuan durante este a�o fundamental
Y tambi�n las piedras malarias de un ni�o de 6 a�os.

Second graders are just amazing. They
are rapidly changing into fascinating
young people. Click here to read about
what you might see a second grader
accomplish academically and
developmental milestones of a typical 7
year old

Your child's teacher ALWAYS
always seems to be telling you how
important it is to read with your child.
This fascinating article, called "Why can't I skip my 20 minutes of Reading Tonight?" explains
why reading is so critical
to a child's academic growth.

Click here to read an article called
ABC's of Parenting. It
is an alphabetized list of parenting

Click here to find out what the
State of
California requires your child to
know by the time he or she
has completed Kindergarten

Click here to find out what the
State of
California requires your child to
know by the time he or she
has completed First

Click here to find out what the
State of
California requires your child to
know by the time he or she
has completed Second

Have you wondered which books you should get for your child? Click here for
some lists
of books for you and your child to

Has your child's teacher mentioned the
possibility that he or she might need to
be retained? Click here to find out about
the different things teachers and
counselors look at when
retention for a child.

Is your child extremely bright? Click
here to find suggestions, links and
articles about how to
effectively with a gifted child.

Parents are the backbone upon whom
children and teachers depend for growth in
learning. Click here to read an article
in tribute to parents

Click here to read a peom entitled
"Unity" about how
parents and teachers work together to mold
and educate a child.

Haga cliq aqui si quisiera ver esta
poema de "Unity"
en Espanol

Click here to read a letter where the teacher gives a child back to his parents at the end of the school year (teachers: this page is print ready. To return to this site please click on mama cat at bottom of page)

Haga cliq aqu� si Ud. quiere leer en espa�ol esta carta endonde la maestra se devuelves el hijo/a a los padres al fin del a�o escolar (teachers: this page is print ready. To return to this site please click on mama cat at the bottom of the page) |

Raising a child does not come with an instruction manual. As parents we often wish there were such a manual. Click here to connect to a search engine called Kinderstart.comfor resources such as pregnancy, adoption, child development, family dynamics, nutrition, learning activities and much, much more.