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Homework Helps

Here are some ways that you as parents can help your child to complete
his/her homework as well as some tips on making homework a positive
     experience for both you and your child

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I. Let Your Child Know That You Believe That
Education and Homework Are Important

Set aside a regular time for homework every day
Make sure that your child has the necessary papers, books, pencils, crayons he or she needs to complete the homework
Find a fairly quiet, well lit place for your child to study
Set a positive example for your child by reading and writing yourself
Keep a close contact with your child's teacher

     II. Monitor Your Child's Assignments

Keep track of what your child's homework assignments are, how long they should take, and how the teacher wants you to be involved
Make sure that the assignments are started and completed. (in our class that means that you need to be sure to sign on the front page of the packet)
The purpose for homework is to reinforce what is being taught in class. Although your child's teacher is usually quite willing to help your child with anything in the homework that he or she did not understand, it is important that they work on and finish their homework AT HOME!
Read any of the comments the teacher makes about your child's work when the assignments are returned
Try to make sure that your child completes his/her homework BEFORE the television goes on
Young children often have short attention spans and have difficulty doing focused work even for relatively short periods. If your child is resisting completing the homework assignments, you might want to have him/her complete one page at a time and then take a short "play break" before continuing with the next part.

     III. Provide Guidance for your child

Children all learn differently. Try to discover how your own child learns best:
  • With someone else or alone?
  • By seeing the concept in front of him?
  • By hearing it or talking it through?
  • By hands-on experience of the concept?
Help your child get organized. Provide a place where books, papers and school supplies can be kept when your child is finished with his/her work
Help your child develop good study habits by helping him/her to pace big projects
Discuss your child's homework with him/her. Make sure that he/she understands what is expected and what needs to be done

IV. If Problems Occur, Talk With Someone at the School

Communicate with your child's teacher early, before a potential problem gets out of hand
Let the teacher know if there are any family issues that might be affecting your child's performance or ability to complete his/her homework
Call or make an appointment to meet with the teacher as soon as you are aware that a problem has arisen
If you child consistantly continues to have problems completing his/her homework, work together with the teacher to develop a home/school contract plan that will fit in with your schedule and will help your child develop the skills needed to complete the homework assignments in a timely manner

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