Growth and Development:
A typical 6 year Old
Physical and emotional milestones of a typical six year old:
A typical 6 year old will:
Are enthusiastic and often seem to be in a hurry
Think logically with increasingly effective reasoning skills
Begin to understand the concept of cause and effect
Can be suddenly moody. One minute your child may be friendly, generous,
and loving and the next moment be jealous, tearful, and demanding.
Frequently interchanges friendships. Their best friend this week might be their worst enemy
next week.
Exhibit bossy behavior
Demonstrate competitive behavior
Do not always take criticism well, and are easily upset when hurt
Are very curious and learn well by actively interacting with materials and people around them
Continue to develop and refine their fine motor skills
Accomplishments in Reading
(What you will see in a typical 6 years as it relates to his/her reading skills)
Makes a transition from emergent to "real" reading.
Reads aloud with accuracy and comprehension any text that is appropriately designed
for the first half of grade 1.
Accurately decodes orthographically regular, one-syllable words and nonsense words
(e.g., sit,zot), using print-sound mappings to sound out unknown words.
Uses letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words when
reading text.
Recognizes common, irregularly spelled words by sight (have, said, where, two).
Has a reading vocabulary of 300 to 500 words, sight words, and easily
sounded-out words.
Monitors own reading and self-corrects when an incorrectly identified word does not
fit with cues provided by the letters in the word or the context surrounding the word.
Reads and comprehends both fiction and nonfiction that is appropriately designed for
grade level.
Shows evidence of expanding language repertory, including increasing appropriate use
of standard more-formal language registers.
Creates own written texts for others to read.
Notices when difficulties are encountered in understanding text.
Reads and understands simple written instructions.
Predicts and justifies what will happen next in stories.
Discusses prior knowledge of topics in expository texts.
Discusses how, why, and what-if questions in sharing nonfiction texts.
Describes new information gained from texts in own words.
Distinguishes whether simple sentences are incomplete or fail to make sense;
notices when simple texts fail to make sense.
Can answer simple written comprehension questions based on material read.
Can count the number of syllables in a word.
Can blend or segment the phonemes of most one-syllable words.
Spells correctly three- and four-letter short vowel words.
Composes fairly readable first drafts using appropriate parts of the writing process
(some attention to planning, drafting, rereading for meaning, and some
self-correction can be observed).
Uses invented spelling/phonics-based knowledge to spell independently, when necessary.
Shows spelling consciousness or sensitivity to conventional spelling.
Uses basic punctuation and capitalization.
Produces a variety of types of compositions (e.g., stories, descriptions, journal entries),
showing appropriate relationships between printed text, illustrations, and other graphics.
Engages in a variety of literary activities voluntarily (e.g., choosing books and stories
to read, writing a note to a friend).
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