Welcome to our early education webpage! We are so happy that you dropped in for a visit. This is a site where small children can come to practice some of the new skills they are learning, and where parents can come with their children to see some of the exciting and fun things weare doing. For both parents and for teachers it is a place where you can find links to lots of useful educational resources.
Come and visit for a while! Don't forget to sign our guestbook! Please come back often!!
Our heartfelt prayers and remembrances go out to all those affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001
God Bless America!!!
Be Strong and Take Courage!!!

clic el bot�n si usted quisiera ver a esta paginaci�n en Espa�ol |
Even Start USA
...National Even Start Association Website (don't forget to click on the "back" button to get back to this page) |
California Even Start |
...California Even Start Family Literacy Website (don't forget to click on the "back" button to get back to this page) |
La Habra |
...link to the La Habra City School District homepage |
Calendar |
...School and Even Start Events for 2001-2002 |
Our First Grade |
...Check out the exciting and fun things we are doing in our class this year. |
Word Wall Activities |
...Sight word activities to do at school and at home |
Learning Sites for Kids |
...Fun sites where kids can go to reinforce their learning |
Just for Parents |
...articles and suggestions for parents to help you make your child's learning experience more positive and successful |
Teaching Resources |
...a listing of lesson plans and many other resources to help make teaching easier and more effective. Check here often because we are adding new sites. |
Graphics Sites |
...here are links to all the wonderful graphics sites where we found the graphics for our pages. Please check them out. (seperate page coming soon...please scroll to the bottom of this page to view graphics links)
Teacher sites |
...links to some really wonderful web sites by teachers across the country |
Awards |
...we are honored and proud to share the awards this site has won!!! |

Please be patient. Some of these sites are still being constructed. Be sure and check back often for new additions!!!
Do you have any new ideas that could be added to this site? Please let me know.
visitors since 10-20-00
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Special gratitude to the Webmaster at Absolutecross.com for his generous and continuing assistance in building this Web site. Be sure and check out his awesome and extensive site (recently updated) for great graphics, backgrounds, programming, multimedia, resources and tutorials.
Below are links to some of the wonderful sites where we found graphics for our pages. Please take the time to visit them.