Autumn Poems

Fall is such a wonderful time of year!   Leaves are turning vibrant colors. Harvests are being gathered. The weather is getting cooler, but it is still fun to play outdoors. On this page I have compiled some poems that describe these crisp, ever changing autumn months. Again, if you find something that is not properly credited, please let me know. Enjoy!!

pumpkins and leaves

pumpkin bullet Summer's End pumpkin bullet A Bed in the Leaves
pumpkin bullet A Leaf pumpkin bullet Autumn Leaves
pumpkin bullet In Autumn pumpkin bullet Autun Woods
pumpkin bullet Autumn pumpkin bullet Down, Down
pumpkin bullet Fall by Eileen Fisher pumpkin bullet Fall by Jack Prelutsky
pumpkin bullet Falling Leaves pumpkin bullet Leaves are Falling
pumpkin bullet Leaves are Floating pumpkin bullet The Last Leaf
pumpkin bullet The Frisky Little Squirrel pumpkin bullet I'm a Little Scarecrow
pumpkin bullet The Scarecrow

pumpkins and leaves

Summer's End
By Judith Viorst

One by one the petals drop
There's nothing that can make them stop.
You cannot beg a rose to stay.
Why does it have to be that way?

The butterflies I used to chase
Have gone off to some other place.
I don't know where. I only know
I wish they didn't have to go.

And all the shiny afternoons
So full of birds and big balloons
And ice cream melting in the sun Are done.
I do not want them done

bear and falling leaf
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A Bed in the Leaves
By Marian Kennedy

My yard is full of leaves today
Brown and yellow and gold
I think I'll rake them in a pile
Higher than my head

Then I'll pretend it is my bed
I'll jump in very quick
And pile their leaves up over me
For covers soft and thick

I'll just lie there so nice and warm
And look up in the sky
And watch more leaves float down for me
To rake up bye and bye

mouse in pumpkin
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by Aileen Fisher

If I were a leaf
(but I wouldn't be)
I'd have to be tied
to a tree, tree, tree.
I couldn't walk off
(or skip or run)
and my nose would get burned
by the sun, sun, sun.
In summer I'd roast,
(in winter I'd freeze)
and all through October
I'd sneeze, sneeze, sneeze.

bear, pumpkin and fall leaves
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Autumn leaves
(tune-London Bridge)

Autumn leaves are falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
Autumn leaves are falling down,
Yellow, and brown!

little raccoon
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In Autumn
by Winifred C. Marshall

They're coming down in showers,
The leaves all gold and red;
They're covering the little flowers,
And tucking them in bed
They've spread a fairy carpet
All up and down the street;
And when we skip along to school,
they rustle 'neath our feet

rabbit in a basket
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by James S. Tippett

I like the woods
In autumn
When dry leaves hide the ground,
When the trees are bare
And the wind sweeps by
With a lonesome rushing sound.
I can rustle the leaves
In autumn
And I can make a bed
In the thick dry leaves
That have fallen
From the bare trees
bear and falling leaves
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The green leaves are turning
To yellow, red and brown
And when the wind comes
Whistling by, they'll

mouse in a pumpkin
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Down, Down
By Eleanor Farjean

Down, down
Yellow and brown
The leaves are falling
Over the town.

bear, pumpkin and fall leaves
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by Aileen Fisher

The last of October
We lock the garden gate.
"The flowers alive all withered
That used to stand straight.
The last of October
We put the swings away
And the porch looks deserted
Where we like to play.
The last of October
The birds have all flown,
The screens are in the attic,
The sand pile's all gone;
Everything is put away
Before it starts to snow---
I wonder if the ladybugs
Have any place to go.

rabbit in a basket
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By Jack Prelutsky

The leaves are yellow, red and brown,
A shower sprinkles softly down
And the air is fragrant, crisp and cool,
And once again, I'm stuck in school.

little raccoon
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Falling Leaves

Little leaves fall softly down
Red and yellow, orange and brown
Whirling, twirling round and round
Falling softly to the ground

Little leaves fall softly down
To make a carpet on the ground.
Then, swish, the wind comes whistling by
And sends them dancing to the sky.

bear and falling leaves
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Leaves are Falling
(tune-Jingle bells)

Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my nose!

Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my toes!

Leaves are falling,
Leaves are falling,
One fell on my head!

Leaves are falling,
leaves are falling,
Yellow, orange and red!

mouse in pumpkin
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Leaves are floating

Leaves are floating
softly down;
Some are red and
some are brown.
The wind goes "swish"
through the air;
When you look back,
there are no leaves there.
bear, pumpkin and fall leaves
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by Harry Behn

A few leaves stay for a while on the trees
After their color begins to turn,
And no other leaves seem as gold as these
Not even the ones our bonfires burn
With golden flames in piles on the ground.
A few leaves stay so long that I found
The one last leaf on a tree in the snow,
And when a galloping wind came round
The edge of our house and started to blow
Snow dust to sparkles floating free.
When the wind ran away, almost with me,
And sunshine settled quiet and cold.
There, like a bird, still on the tree
Was that lonesome leaf, no longer gold
But curly and brown and dry and old.

rabbit in a basket
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The Frisky Little Squirrel
(tune-The grand Old Duke of York)

Oh, the frisky little squirrel,
He gathers nuts and seeds,
He hides them for the winter months,
so he'll have all he needs!

Oh, up, up, up he goes,
(raise hand with pointed finger up as if going up tree)
And down, down, down he comes,
(finger down and bring hand down)
He runs around, goes up and down,
(point finger down and make a circle, then up & down)
His work is never done!

Oh, up, up, up he goes,
(raise hand with pointed finger up as if going up tree)
And down, down, down he comes,
(finger down and bring hand down)
He runs around, goes up and down,
(point finger down and make a circle, then up & down)
His work is never done

little raccoon
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I'm a Little Scarecrow

I'm a little scarecrow,
Raggedy and worn.
I wear a hat
And a shirt that's torn.
When the crows come,
I wave and shout,
"Away from my garden......
Get on out!"

bear and falling leaves
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The scarecrow stands
With hanging hands,
Beside the farmer's stile.
He scares the jay and crow away.
With just a painted smile.

pumpkins and leaves

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Cute Colors link to Freshette's holiday graphics